We were never meant to go it alone. God created us to be in community with other people—to be supported, encouraged, and challenged in our journey with Christ. That’s because life change happens better in circles of people than in rows of seats.

Be part of a group today. The laughter, support, and growth that happens as a result of the time spent together in Connection Groups is irreplaceable.


Connection Groups are an integral part of the vision of MVA. Through these small groups, the Kingdom of God is expanded, the body of Christ is strengthened, and disciples are equipped and empowered to influence their world.

If you’d like to lead a connection group, complete the application below.


Connection Groups are small groups of people in similar life stages who meet together weekly for study and fellowship. In a large church environment, you may not know everyone, but when you’re part of a Connection Group, everyone can be known.

Connection groups typically meet once a week at someone’s home or at the church building.

Connection Groups are comprised of 6-12 people who meet weekly in homes all throughout the area. Groups are available for adults of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual maturity.

Most groups have snacks or dinner each week, so typically the group will begin by enjoying some good food. Then you would move into a time talking about Sunday’s sermon or special topic, followed by praying for one another’s needs. Groups also plan fun activities together outside of the home or church.

Connection group discussions are either centered on the current Sunday sermon or a specific topic of choice.

There are groups that have childcare set up. When inquiring about a group, you can ask the leader how their group organizes with children.

Our goal at MVA is to help you find meaningful relationships in which you can grow. We understand that it may take checking out two or three different groups to find the right fit. With that in mind, we encourage you to give each group a few weeks before trying a new one. It usually takes a few weeks for people to break the ice and begin connecting.